Oct 24, 2017
WADDLES The Pig Show: The Experiment of Muybridge photographs
The interesting way to make this funny animation was inspired by Eadweard Muybridge who is a photograph and has 'a tons of study in...

Oct 24, 2017
Character through shape: Happy Dog & Sad paper
The character doesn’t need to be human which has eyes, mouth, legs or any parts of body look like a human, it can be just an object, a...

Oct 18, 2017
Mixing Tate II (Britain) Choose and Change
Walking around TATE Britain, finding some environments which can attract you then collect it by drawing some part of whatever you're...

Oct 18, 2017
Morphing Today
"You need to bring a life into it whether it's a character or not." Organic or Geometric Form / shape/ and line can be alive as same as...

Oct 12, 2017
MINE: Bibie's Character (Character Design class with Su-Lynn Tann)
'The more you know who you are, the clearer character you will get'. Before creating character, you should get more information about...