HooDoo Heights
A Magical Collaborative project with other 5 witches
Charlotte Carrick
Hannah Westall
Erin Kubicki
Camila Rodo Carvallo
Weichen Tan
Supanan Wataniyakun
Thrown together with a gang of mystical misfits under the roof of the magic-council owned HoodooHeights, two millennial witches make ends meet in the human world.
Gen-W struggles like pagan porn viruses, power-weening weed and Witch-to-Warlock STDs are just the start of their problems...
Bible Pitch for Animated TV series
MARCH 2018

Witchcraft has come a long way since Salem or Sabrina. Social media has birthed a new following for witchcraft as a platform for feminism, activism and self-care. With popstars ‘coming out’ as witches and the likes of Vogue commissioning a witchcraft column, there’s a revival of witchcraft that can’t be ignored. It’s this notion where the origins of Hoodoo Heights lie.
Inspired by the internet-age’s take on witchcraft, Hoodoo Heights is a place to explore what women today could face (and achieve) if we had powers beyond what we already know.
A dark comedy blending the real with the extremely unreal, Hoodoo Heights is dedicated to an adult audience. Sex, drugs, drinking and dating, though similar to our human world, will be super-charged under the mystical powers of Hoodoo’s residents. Lena Dunham’s Girls-meets-Charmed-meets-Bojack Horseman are three of our main inspirations for this animated series with a target slot of Netlflix and late-night E4.

Millennial witch number one. A rule breaker, Anise is sexually liberated, hot-headed - and although holds a temper - she’s very protective when it comes to her best friend Ren. The world can sometimes be against her as she has to work two jobs (at the local dive bar and as a fake fortune teller at the fair) just to pay her rent.

A rule follower, Ren is sweet and ditzy - although, we’re sure there’s a raw connection to dark magic waiting to be unleashed. Sexually repressed but a romantic at heart. She adores Anise as her best friend, despite the two of them being opposites. Mum and Dad pay the rent so she’s never felt the need to fly the nest/grow up.

Goofy, naïve and lovable, Evan is the only human resident of Hoodoo Heights. He unknowingly stumbled into the witches lives and has become a sort of playtoy for Anise and Ren. The two witches must erase his memory each episode as to not give away their magical secrets.

Millennial witch number one. A rule breaker, Anise is sexually liberated, hot-headed - and although holds a temper - she’s very protective when it comes to her best friend Ren. The world can sometimes be against her as she has to work two jobs (at the local dive bar and as a fake fortune teller at the fair) just to pay her rent.
Episode Format: Each episode will be titled by a fictional tarot card.
The action will fall across the flats of Hoodoo Heights and a handful of human locations (e.g. the local dive bar or the laundrette).
When trouble brews in Hoodoo Heights (a pretty much daily occurrence), the magic follows the witches into the human world. Any chaos caused can only be resolved in the safety of Hoodoo Heights where the episode’s action will come to an end.
A few things you should know…
1. Humans do not know the existence of magical creatures in their world.
2. Magical creatures (including the witches) must hide their powers from humans.
3. If a human was to uncover a magical creature, the magical council would strip the found-creature of their powers.

Anise wakes up to a literal toad in her bed. What the hell happened last night? With the help of Ren’s questionable “Hangover potion” (containing Lucozade of course, the human world is good for something) the girls try to piece together the night before. A quest which leads them back to the local dive bar in the mortal world... “Calling spirits who aren't too busy Save Anise from feeling dizzy Begone headache, nausea, dehydration And help her practice in moderation.”

Sharon (fairy godmother) grants Ren the wish of finding her one true love ‘Ben’, Ren’s human neighbour across the street. However, nothing’s ever simple when it comes to the fairy godmother and her powers. Ren ends up falling for a bin (rather than Ben). Despite Anise’s best efforts, Ren decides to give it a go anyway… “Tinder, Tinder on my phone, Please match me with him who is unknown…”

Ren inadvertently becomes a drug dealer after taking home the wrong class project from her horticulture class. Evan accidently swallows an eye of newt and experiences a euphoric state of being. Toni, seeing the opportunity to make money, spurs Ren on but the bad batch of grass gives the residents of Hoodoo Heights new and uncontrollable powers… Will the magic council find out? “Joint in one hand, Black magic in the other. The High Priestess of Smoke. Double-vision, spinning motion This herb i

Anise wakes up to a literal toad in her bed. What the hell happened last night? With the help of Ren’s questionable “Hangover potion” (containing Lucozade of course, the human world is good for something) the girls try to piece together the night before. A quest which leads them back to the local dive bar in the mortal world... “Calling spirits who aren't too busy Save Anise from feeling dizzy Begone headache, nausea, dehydration And help her practice in moderation.”